
The REACH Regulation is European Union (EU) legislation dealing with the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemical substances. "REACH" is the acronym for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals.

The main objective of REACH is to improve the protection of human health and the environment while ensuring the free movement of chemicals in the EU internal market. Establishes a series of requirements and obligations for manufacturers, importers and users of chemical substances, including the manufacture and marketing of products containing chemical substances.

At BBasesores, we are dedicated to simplifying REACH compliance for your business, allowing you to focus on your business success. Trust us to guide you through the intricate world of chemical regulations. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you comply with REACH effectively and efficiently.


Key services

  • Coordination of Working Groups and Consortia
  • REACH Diagnosis in your Company
    • search and contact the registry leader
    • purchase of access letter
    • adhesion to the consortium,...
  • Data Gap in registry
  • Coordination and communication with laboratories.
  • Preparation of Key Regulatory Reports (CSR and SCC)
  • Notification of Unintended Uses
  • Preparation of the IUCLID Dossier
  • Cost Diagnosis
  • Exclusive representant